Wednesday, December 16, 2009
So Soft!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
That's right....Kaylee is 1 year old today! I can't believe it! This last year has flown by!! Kaylee is such a fun baby and so happy!!! She is always smiling! She loves to walk, give hugs, go on walks in her stroller, be read to, and explore new things! Such a fun girl! Happy Birthday Kaylee!!!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's About Time!!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
So Sweet!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
4th of July!!!
We had a very fun 4th of July this year. Friends and Family gathered at my parent's house for a BBQ, swimming in the pool, ping pong, and fireworks. I must say I was pretty impressed with the firework show that Poway High put on this year. One of their best yet! Since it was Kaylee's first 4th of July I wanted her to look festive. My sister and I had to run some errands in the morning and while we were at the store I looked for something cute to dress her in. I was unsuccessful. They only had a couple outfits left and what was left was way too small for Kaylee. I guess that is what I get for waiting until the last minute. Anyways, I ended up being creative and putting something together for her. I think it turned out pretty cute considering the materials I had to work with. I saved money and I had fun!
Dan's brother Josh and Dad playing ping pong.
Kaylee with Dan's Mom and my Dad.
Swimming with Daddy.
Kaylee playing in the pool with Daddy and Uncle Josh.
9 Months!!!
Height: 29 inches (95th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs. 8 ozs. (75th percentile)
Head: 44.4 cm (75th percentile)
As you can tell she is still growing like a weed. She is at such a fun age and always soooo happy!!!! She loves to crawl and pull herself up on everything and a couple times she has let go and stood by herself. She is such a strong girl and I think she is going to be walking soon...which means even more running around after her! :) She says Dada (A LOT) and this last week she said Mama for the first time. It was a very exciting day for me!! Kaylee loves to dance. I love the show So You Think You Can Dance and I think Kaylee is a fan as well because every time the music starts she crawls closer to the TV, pulls herself up on something and starts bouncing up and down and moving her arms to the music. It is so cute!!! I am so excited to get her into dance classes! Kaylee also likes to yell a lot!!! We were pretty lucky for a while because she was yelling a lot but not at church. That all changed this last Sunday. She only lasted for half of sacrament meeting before she started yelling. Let's just say she spent most of church in the foyer. It will be interesting to see how long this yelling phase lasts. Kaylee also loves being outside and especially loves going on walks to the lake and splashing in the pool which makes for some fun pictures and videos. All I can say is that Kaylee has been such an amazing blessing!!! She is our little sunshine and we are having so much fun watching her learn and grow into such a beautiful little girl!
In the waiting room before her appointment.
Just chillin' at the lake.
More fun at the lake.
Happy girl!!!
Our little stink bug! It is so funny to walk in and catch her sleeping like this!
Daddy having fun giving her a new hairstyle.
Fun in the pool!
Sleeping Beauty
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Last week Kaylee and I took advantage of the beautiful, warm, San Diego weather that we've been having. We went on a few walks, splashed in the pool, and had a picnic at the lake. Overall we had a full fun week spending time with good friends and family. One of the highlights of last week was a trip up to Lake Poway to feed the ducks. This was Kaylee's first experience with the simple joy of feeding ducks. I attempted last week to upload a video I took of our little adventure but have not been having much luck uploading it. I will attempt to upload it this week but until then I will leave you with this picture that was taken by Dan's sister.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Boogie Boardin' Baby!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Uncle Rudy
Dinner with Family
Sunday, April 12, 2009
6 Months and Going Strong!!
Weight: 17 lbs. (75th Percentile)
Height: 28 in. (Off the charts!!!)
Head: 43 1/4 cm. (75th Percentile)
Just this last week Kaylee has discovered how to grab onto the side of her crib and pull herself up. Looks like we need to lower the bottom of the crib. I have to say though, I don't mind waking up to this beautiful little sunshine every morning. She is all smiles!!! She isn't usually cross eyed. I think it is because she is focusing in on my cell phone that I am taking the picture with. So funny!
Spending some good quality time with her Daddy. I love my babies!!! :)
She likes to hold one leg up in the air when she is drinking her bottle sometimes. I don't know why she does it but it makes us laugh every time.
So sleepy.
Monday, March 30, 2009
It's finished!!
This is the last post for today. I promise. So about 2 years ago I bought the materials to make a sign that would be hung in our first home. Well, after 2 years I finally took out the materials and made it and am quite pleased with how it turned out. My next project is something that will eventually be hung in Kaylee's room. It will be a display that includes the dress that she was blessed in. Hopefully it won't take me 2 years to complete it. :)
As promised....
(Her hippo is the blue one in the picture. Just in case you were trying to figure it out.) ;)